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Financial Support

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To support the GPEF, please contact us at

On behalf of the GPEF, we graciously thank Mon Valley Hospital for their generous Achilles Society Sponsorship support. The financial support, cooperation, and genuine enthusiasm from Mon Valley Hospital helped us launch this non-profit continuing medical education organization in 2012.  Thank You!


The Greater Pennsylvania Education Foundation
a 501(c) (3) organization, is asking for your financial support for current academic calendar. The Foundation has recently established a 1-year Foot & Ankle Fellowship program to include Reconstructive Foot & Ankle Surgery, Trauma management and Diabetic Limb Salvage.


As our mission states, the Greater Pennsylvania Education Foundation provides the human intellect, experience, training, and resources for highly motivated, ambitious postgraduate healthcare providers. Practioners will achieve their full potential to provide the highest standard of care, guaranteeing those in the community highly functional pain free lives. The goal of the foundation and the Fellowship is to promote, foster, and support postgraduate medical education, research and development and community awareness. ,


Our academic calendar can be found under the Fellowship Program link. Obviously, the financial burden of implementing this curriculum and program is significant. The Achilles Society has been established as the financial support arm of The Greater Pennsylvania Education Foundation. Membership is based on a financial contribution for the academic year to the Foundation to support these academic programs. In return, the Foundation will prominently recognize each Achilles Society member at all academic meetings, and seminars, as well as on our website.


We understand that times are financially tough and cuts are being made across America. However, the importance of continuing to educate and train the leaders of tomorrow is paramount.


Please consider joining the Achilles Society. To become a Achilles Society Member simply contact us at your convenience using the TEACH/LEARN Icon provided to the left. link provided to the right. On behalf of The Greater Pennsylvania Education Foundation (GPEF), we look forward to hearing from you, and appreciate your support.  


1163 Country Club Rd.
Monongahela Valley Hospital
Monongahela, PA 15063

Copyright 2020 GPEF

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